Top Molly Muncher Keep On Sucking Shirt
Shoes – LA accepts open-toed shoes (i.e. flip-flops, lace-up heels) and offers a sexier, more va-va-voom style. NYC is a professional, presentable, sexy city where clothes can be carried from day to day to the Molly Muncher Keep On Sucking Shirt and I love this office. Colors – Los Angeles typically has brighter colors, including neon colors, and less black. New York has a more muted tone, lots of black.
Other notes: LA is in a warm part of the Molly Muncher Keep On Sucking Shirt and I love this country, so most fabrics are designed to stay cool and appropriate for exercise (e.g. succulent vests, yoga pants), and looks comfortable. It’s cold in New York for part of the year, so certain fabrics and styles are better suited to keeping warm. I have a friend who is half Japanese (mother) and half French (father). Elementary and middle schools in Paris, middle schools in Tokyo. Her style is out of this world!
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