Needless to say, we hung out together for the Toto cutugno l’italiano italian singer shirt Besides,I will do this rest of the afternoon and most of the time I would wear skirts as long as no one else was around or my parents were at home. About a week later, when Deb and I were hanging out, I was wearing one of those old tennis dresses she gave me and she went to the kitchen to get something to eat while I was playing xbox. I didn’t notice because my back was towards the ascending stairs and I was engrossed in a game…that is, until Deb came back…with Angie! I’m dead! Angie plopped down on the couch right next to me, smiling and saying hello Tim…that’s a beautiful dress! Well, you guessed it… the red face turned red again… she and Deb just laughed. Angie says don’t worry at all, she thinks it’s adorable and wishes her boyfriend was as bold as I am. I gave my cousin a dirty look… as if I really had a chance with Angie when I was 14, but hey, a guy can dream. Debbie said I’m sorry I told her, but apparently they talked about how boys wear boring clothes and Deb mentioned the whole bathroom encounter with Angie . My game is completely lost at this point, so I put the controller down when my face reverts to a more normal shade. Angie says hey, can you stand up and model for me…I remember Deb wore this dress in high school. I did it reluctantly…and she cheered me up by saying that if I was 18…she would fall in love with her boyfriend and date me right away…that dress fits much more to you than the dress she never wore on Debbie. I laughed and said haha, okay… thanks for being kind! She laughed and said, no, I’m 100% serious… looks like you and a girl will be very lucky one day.
