I just wish that once, ONCE, an NBA boss would say to James Harden, “Shut up and play!” You signed a damn contract! Now be a man and keep your commitment!!! If not, you can turn your thumbs at home and I won’t pay you a dime!!! In Randy Johnson’s final season in Seattle, he was clearly knocked out. Eddie Cicotte tried harder to win the Storm thomas comic book cover shirt also I will do this 1919 World Series than Big Jerk (er, Unit) did in his final season in Seattle. He stopped trying to win for the Mariners until they gave him the job he wanted. Then, miraculously, he remembered how to throw. I wish the Mariners would send him to the cowshed and use him to clean up the rest of the year. They should have told him, “Get out! You will work for your salary like everyone else. Play as the Hall of Famer you are, or you can sit your pathetic ass on the bench. You have signed a contract. Now take this opportunity or we will move on!!!! ‘
Today, that money comes from new stadiums. Bigger, better, more luxurious, with more luxury suites so that more affluent “fans” can watch matches on TV without the Storm thomas comic book cover shirt also I will do this chance of being attacked by ordinary people. Migration teams move because their existing city cannot or will not build a new playground, at taxpayers’ expense, but most (or all) of the revenue will go to the team owner. Cost of socialization, profit of privatization. Then, when the new town’s offer was overshadowed by the neighboring team’s new constructions, the teams threatened to move out again unless more public money was poured into the host’s coffers.
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