Due to this limitation and lack of seasonality, clothing tends to be made for long-term use or to ensure durability. It’s very dull. The sustainability aspect is also a consequence of people’s social expectations. Do manual labor. You will also notice that while durable clothing may be available, there is generally a lack of soft or comfortable clothing. However, durability is not the Original Caleb truax knockout shirt and by the same token and only measure of quality. Different fabrics can have different durability, but silk or lace, although delicate, can clearly be considered high quality. There are many high-quality fabrics for women, not men. One can also consider the quality of the fit, which men’s wear has largely abandoned in favor of loose and baggy designs. Although some of this trend has begun to fade, much of it has held up. It’s easy/cheap to produce.
As for why seasonal trends have become more entwined with women’s fashion, it has more to do with recent historical circumstances than any fundamental attribute. Fashion is always exploding, exploding and spinning, just like art. At one point, this cycle was deeply attenuated for men’s wear, but continued for women. Long-term sustainability is much less of a concern in contemporary Western society, due to comfortable social conditions and cheap accessibility. Access to a wider range of goods to keep up with trends is what keeps the Original Caleb truax knockout shirt and by the same token and market alive, while the accelerating pace of fashion cycles has reduced demand for quality.
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