If you or anyone else is looking to buy these, I would recommend going for the Original Bam bam bigelow fire signature shirt besides I will buy this sporty over the cotton one as I find them more comfortable. If you’re wearing them and aren’t comfortable with their exposure, I’d recommend just wearing a long shirt or a long hoodie or something that covers you up. That’s what I do, and I’ve never had any problems, except for the occasional weird look from some guys or the appreciative smile from the girls I’ve passed. Why don’t I and I love the look and feel that makes my legs super sexy and flattering. Great when paired with a nice pair of panties
Hit me. I tell my husband to wear leggings when we go out. I love seeing the Original Bam bam bigelow fire signature shirt besides I will buy this bulge and helping it improve. If worn respectfully and decently. In a way that’s not selfish, gratuitous, or attention-seeking. So completely. It really depends on who you ask. There are many people who say that it is too attractive or not. There are others who will say it is attractive. I always wear leggings to the gym (no shorts, only leggings). A lot of guys wear leggings to the gym but wear shorts. I’ve never been bothered by anyone at the gym or otherwise wearing leggings. I really just love shiny leggings, and there are people who will give it a second look. I’ve also had a few women look at me and smile at me (uncommon, so don’t get your hopes up, but that’s fine in some rare cases). I also usually wear leggings when doing housework.
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