Synthetic materials will never look good on many types of clothing. Wash at your own risk – it will likely look quite soft and warped after washing. That said, today’s standards for commercial wear can be so poor that it’s best to learn tailoring techniques so you can create your own. The main difficulty with sewing two different fabrics is getting them to stay in one place long enough to get into the Maui strong fundraiser lahaina shirt so you should to go to store and get this needle! A quick spray of silicone on the needle before you start sewing, then re-spray after you’ve done it, can help.
Consider securing both fabrics with a hand stitch before sewing or even just hand stitching the Maui strong fundraiser lahaina shirt so you should to go to store and get this whole thing together. I have a rule – if it’s screwed twice on a sewing machine, I just sew it by hand – it’s a lot quicker and less stressful in the end than watching your precious fabric curl up beneath your jaw. duck-legged. dead’ for the third time!