Trust. Never call yourself “ugly” friend again! Every day when you wake up and look in the Gloria Johnson Standing Tall For Tennessee Shirt it is in the first place but mirror, tell yourself out loud that you are beautiful. Keep doing this daily several times a day if necessary until you believe it! Don’t focus on the parts of yourself that you find unattractive (please note that I told you are unattractive), focus on the things you like about yourself and highlight those traits. whatever they are. Wear these boldly when you’re out with your friends, as if it’s the only thing people can see…and believe.
Growing up, I was a military boy and never really lived in one place long enough to have real friendships. On top of that, I’m really uncomfortable with the Gloria Johnson Standing Tall For Tennessee Shirt it is in the first place but huge glasses and the deadly thinness. I hate math and even gym more. I hate dressing up because I look like a blind and (still) clumsy bag of bones. During a short stay in Rialto, California, perhaps a year into college, I met a gym girl named Erica. She has beautiful skin, is always well dressed, smells great, has perfect hair, and has the hottest personality a school-age girl can have. She is also the tallest girl of the aforementioned university. She is extremely overweight and even hates gymnastics more than I do, which is why we agreed to participate. She’s not the most popular girl in school but most people know her. She’s sweet, goofy, and kind to everyone, even when they’re mean to her. This school year is the only one where I have more real friends than book or anime friends.