The country’s hottie Deepika Padukone recently received quite a lot of criticism for wearing this outfit. This is what happened to Jacqueline Fernandez at an award function and she later had to seek help from her close friend Sonam to fix her dress. Then this year, when the G.Shiozaki and K.Nakajima AXIZ SPLX Shirt and I love this trailer for “Dishoom” was released, she was also caught dressing up many times. The dress was beautiful but Jacqueline didn’t seem to be able to handle it well. As someone known for fashion and style, he certainly fits the modern definition of celebrity. And he certainly influenced fashion.
There were famous beauties before this era and dandy people who influenced fashion. Go back and you’ll find the G.Shiozaki and K.Nakajima AXIZ SPLX Shirt and I love this king and queen settings. To me, fashion is something that is trendy. And in Bollywood it is none other than Sonam Kapoor. The way she dresses is simply amazing. In short, it goes with any outfit, be it an Indian or traditional outfit or a western outfit, it always looks beautiful. The way she behaves is always appreciated.