People mostly lose motivation due to negative thinking flow like expectation, probability, suffering, workload, persistence etc. But it has to be done. That’s what you should do. You will feel better afterwards. You will be glad you did. It will take practice. Long practice, hard work and dedication. You must train yourself to be a virtuous and moral person. Our instincts tell us to achieve the Dream To Whoever Wants To Hear T-Shirt besides I will buy this most with the least amount of effort, but that is not the way to live as a human. As Deadpool always says, “maximum effort”. Train yourself to make the right choice in a given situation. Train yourself to be a virtuous person. In time, this will become second nature. You will become accustomed to the feeling of being right and good, and the satisfaction that comes with it.
You can die poor, unloved, unfinished and lonely, but you can hold your head high and say (to yourself, not loudly) that you are a virtuous man or woman. . You have strived to become a better human being. You lived well. That’s more than most people. Get satisfaction from it. You lose everything in a stock market crash. Resist the Dream To Whoever Wants To Hear T-Shirt besides I will buy this urge to go out, get drunk, make a fool of yourself and end up falling into the gutter.