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10) Set expectations for the Comrade Sisko You’re In America Speak American Try One Of The 381 Indigenous Shirt and by the same token and duration of the appointment. If you have a coffee date, leave in an hour; 90 minutes, up to 11) Shake hands, hug appropriately, play cheek if necessary when first meeting. Be quick about it. Don’t hesitate. 15) If you can’t think of anything to say, remember the four F’s always work: fire, food, fashion, joy. If all else fails, talk about the weather 16) Be nice to everyone you meet on your date; waiters, waiters, hosts, shopkeepers, homeless people beating you for money, waitress. Everyone you should date is testing your personality, and the way you treat the bard guy is the way you’ll treat him six months from now. Characters show and tell.

17) Be open and honest. You can keep things in suspense, but don’t be vague or vague about why you’re here or what you want. If you don’t know, why would they want you? 18) Kiss at the Comrade Sisko You’re In America Speak American Try One Of The 381 Indigenous Shirt and by the same token and end of the night. If not, they will let you know. But taking risks is romance.