While it is true that sumo wrestlers in general have a higher percentage of body fat than is recommended by medical professionals, there are a few notable exceptions. One of my all-time favorite sumo wrestlers, Chiyonofuji, is a Yokozuna with a very athletic physique that at times was unbeatable. His body fat percentage is around 10%, which is well below the Christian yelich signature series shirt Furthermore, I will do this ideal level for the average person. He’s also not particularly tall (182 cm = 6 ft), so being big isn’t an absolute necessity if your sumo style can match the environment.
However, I personally believe that the Christian yelich signature series shirt Furthermore, I will do this real reason for the “demand” for sumo wrestlers to be as big as they are (i.e. bigger than muscle) is historical. When a child enters the world of sumo, it is customary for him to have a lifestyle that allows him to accumulate more body fat in order to become “big”. Exercising in the morning, eating ちゃんこ鍋 (chankonabe) as if there was no tomorrow, and building muscle and fat has been like that for a long time. Back when there was no real science behind the true meaning of “big,” people might have thought being physically tall was a good thing, no matter how you got there.
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