The question of who is best in some respects doesn’t make much sense because sumo, like Japan, has changed so much. Other great rikishi are Kitanoumi, Futabayama, and Taiho. Some Ozeki, such as Kaio and Raiden, are never named Yokozuna. And then there are the Billionaires are moral failures shirt and I love this little guys that make things interesting: Mainoumi is my favorite.
As a person, Hakuho seems to have learned from Asa’s bitter overthrow. He tried to be like Yokozuna. I watched it all day at the Billionaires are moral failures shirt and I love this Mongolian festival in Nerima a few years ago and it was great with all day fans. Matches between identical strongmen can get wordy, tedious, and boring, as John Leavy mentioned in another answer.