You see, there are plenty of reasons to buy these products. First things first: They FINALLY; and they HOLD their status. I have cashmere, wool, alpaca, silk, leather, fur etc clothes that I bought years ago, which I got from my mother/grandmother, maybe 20 to 40 years ago – and they Still in the Bet on women circle basketball shirt besides I will buy this best condition. I have an alpaca sweater about 35 years old. Looks like new. They just don’t age. I refuse to be a part of this “fast fashion”, and in my opinion, the best way is to buy durable products.
There are ofc. other materials such as cotton, lyocell, viscose, bamboo and other plant materials, and these are suitable for everyday use, but unfortunately they deteriorate very quickly. Function: Wool will keep you warm in cold conditions and cool in warmer conditions. Silk will last forever. Cashmere doesn’t make you sweat. Alpaca doesn’t really wash (almost never), the Bet on women circle basketball shirt besides I will buy this leather is the best windproof I’ve had, etc.