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Laurenntee - All gave some some gave all 22 year anniversary 09 11 2001 never forget shirt

Ảnh của tác giả: Store LaurennteeStore Laurenntee

For Westerners, wearing black in the All gave some some gave all 22 year anniversary 09 11 2001 never forget shirt so you should to go to store and get this desert makes no sense. Black objects will heat up more in direct sunlight than white objects. But it really works that way. The air inside (and outside too, but that doesn’t matter) the loose black clothes became warmer. Hot air rises. This carries the air inside the garment up and out of the top of the garment. This air must be replaced, lest a vacuum form around the wearer’s skin. This vacuum draws cooler air around the hem of the garment, closer to the floor. This cooler air rises and part of it near the garment heats up and continues this method of passive conveyor cooling.

If the All gave some some gave all 22 year anniversary 09 11 2001 never forget shirt so you should to go to store and get this garment is worn close to the skin or if the garment is white, this passive cooling method will not work and the wearer will quickly feel very hot. A similar method was used to cool desert homes by setting fires in chimney fireplaces with all doors and windows open. As hot air from the fire begins to rise up the chimney, it creates a draft that lowers indoor air pressure, drawing cooler air in from the outside. The desert people already knew the technology of building houses that allowed them to light fires to make the place cooler.



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