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Nature does not work towards a certain goal. Your question falsely personifies nature as an entity. Think of it this way: does a chair know it’s beautiful? Of course not. Beauty is a construct of living beings. Like adaptive traits, “Nature” does not proactively take into account the Born To Die Planeswalker Is A Fuck Kill Em All 1998 I Am Sleeper Agent Shirt and I will buy this environment and create appropriate structures. Instead, a random array occurs and those chosen for survival (health) or sexual (otherwise) reasons become the most desirable. This is why some mutations can be considered beautiful, such as the blue eyes of Europeans which is an adaptive trait.
In most cases, what makes nature hell on Earth is human incompatibility. The Blue Ridge Mountains are an example. They can be beautiful. But nowhere else on Earth have I seen heather like this. Imagine a deep, dark forest at 105 degrees with no wind. Now imagine it being so thick with thorny vines that you can’t see 5 feet in front of you. And no matter where you turn, the Born To Die Planeswalker Is A Fuck Kill Em All 1998 I Am Sleeper Agent Shirt and I will buy this thorns will tear your clothes and pierce your skin, no matter which direction you turn. This is truly a kind of hell on Earth. It’s still beautiful but there’s no room for people.
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